
今回、Catherine Schretterたちの研究グループは、キイロショウジョウバエ(Drosophila melanogaster)を用いて、移動運動行動に寄与する宿主-マイクロバイオーム間の相互作用を調べた。腸内細菌(飼育または抗生物質処理によって作製した)を持つ個体と持たない個体の両方において、移動運動が調べられた。その結果、腸内に微生物相を持たない雌のショウジョウバエは、通常の方法で飼育されたショウジョウバエと比べて平均歩行速度が速く、1回の歩行運動の平均所要時間が長く、1回の歩行運動から次の歩行運動までの間隔の平均時間が短いことが分かった。
また、Schretterたちは、個体の移動運動能が、腸内に存在する細菌種の違いによって異なる影響を受けるかを調べた。その結果、歩行速度が遅かったりと1日の活動量が不足したりしている場合には、ラクトバチルス属細菌(Lactobacillus brevis:ショウジョウバエのマイクロバイオームに通常含まれる)などの特定の細菌を定着させれば十分に修正できることが判明した。Schretterたちは、L. brevisが保有するキシロースイソメラーゼという酵素が運動行動の制御に重要であることを特定し、この酵素による制御が、トレハロースなどの重要な炭水化物の調節を介して行われる可能性があると示唆している。
Gut bacteria can modulate locomotion in female Drosophila, according to a study published online in Nature this week. Drosophila without a gut microbiome demonstrated increased walking speed and duration of walking bouts compared to flies harbouring a microbial community. The authors identify the enzyme xylose isomerase as being important for the bacterial effect on locomotion.
Recent studies suggest that the intestinal microbiome regulates developmental and functional features of the nervous system in animal models. However, the effects of gut bacteria on the neuromodulators and neuronal circuits involved in locomotion remain poorly understood.
Catherine Schretter and colleagues used the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, to explore host-microbiome interactions that contribute to locomotor behaviour. Locomotion was examined in the presence and absence (through rearing or treatment with antibiotics) of gut bacteria. In comparison to conventionally reared insects, female fruit flies without a microbiota displayed increases in average walking speed and length of bouts of walking, as well as decreased average pause length between bouts.
The authors also examined whether locomotion performance was affected differently by individual bacterial species. They found that colonization with specific bacteria, including Lactobacillus brevis (which is normally found in the fruit fly microbiome) was sufficient to correct speed and daily activity deficits. They determined that the enzyme xylose isomerase — which is found in L. brevis — is important for controlling locomotor behaviour, and suggest that this may occur via the modulation of key carbohydrates such as trehalose.
The authors note that further work is needed to identify the exact neurons and neuronal mechanisms involved. It would also be important to clarify the sex-specific aspects of these microbial effects on locomotion, they argue.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0634-9
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