先史時代のアメリカ大陸とポリネシア東部の間の航海に関する新たな証拠を示した論文が、今週、Nature で発表される。今回の研究では、現代人と古代人の遺伝的データの解析が行われ、ポリネシアの歴史を明らかにする手掛かりがもたらされた。この解析結果は、太平洋上の島々におけるヒト集団の形成においてアメリカ先住民が果たした役割に関する長年の議論に決着をつける上で役立つ。
先史時代にポリネシア人とアメリカ先住民が接触していた可能性については、これまでのゲノム研究で得られた結論が矛盾していたため、盛んに議論が交わされている。今回、Andrés Moreno-Estrada、Alexander Ioannidisたちの研究チームは、ポリネシア人とアメリカ先住民(計800人以上)のゲノムを解析し、西暦1200年頃にアメリカ先住民とポリネシア人が交雑したと推論した。ポリネシア東部では、ポリネシア人と、現在のコロンビア沿岸部の先住民に非常に近縁なアメリカ先住民との接触が1回だけあった。しかし、これまでのいくつかの研究で示唆されてきたように、最初の接触点はイースター島ではなかった。
New evidence for prehistoric voyages between the Americas and eastern Polynesia is presented in a study in Nature this week. The analysis of genetic data from present-day and ancient individuals sheds light on the history of Polynesia and helps to resolve long-standing discussions concerning the role of Native Americans in shaping the populations of these Pacific Islands.
The possibility of prehistoric contacts between Polynesians and Native Americans is much debated, as previous genomic studies have reached contradictory conclusions. In this study, Andrés Moreno-Estrada, Alexander Ioannidis and colleagues analysed the genomes of more than 800 Polynesian and Native American individuals, and deduced that Native Americans and Polynesians must have interbred around AD 1200. A single contact event occurred in eastern Polynesia between Polynesians and a Native American group most closely related to the indigenous peoples of present-day coastal Colombia. However, Easter Island was not the first point of contact, which has been suggested in some previous studies.
Previous genomic studies have focused on contact on Easter Island, because it is the closest inhabited Polynesian island to South America. However, the new study supports the idea that first contact was on one of the archipelagos of eastern Polynesia (such as the South Marquesas), as proposed by the late Norwegian explorer, Thor Heyerdahl, who made a drift voyage from Peru to Polynesia in 1947 on a large wooden raft called the Kon-Tiki. These findings suggest that the contact event occurred earlier than was previously thought and was spread across multiple islands in Polynesia, suggesting that Native Americans had a genetic and cultural influence on Polynesia for more than five centuries before the arrival of Europeans in the region.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2487-2
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