
オンラインでニュース記事をシェアする人々に記事の見出しが正確かをよく考えるよう促すことで、シェアされるニュース記事の質が高まることを明らかにした論文が、今週、Nature に掲載される。ツイッター上での現場実験を含む今回の研究では、ソーシャルメディアプラットフォームで、ユーザーに対して情報の正確さを確認するように注意喚起することで、オンラインで目にするニュースの質が高まる可能性のあることが示唆された。
今回、Gordon Pennycookたちの研究チームは、人々がソーシャルメディア上で誤った情報を共有する理由を解明し、こうした行動を減らす方法を模索するために、実験参加者にニュースの正確さを評価させた上でそのニュースをシェアするかどうかを尋ねる調査実験をいくつか行った。最初の実験では、参加者のグループに一定数の実際のニュース記事(その半分は誤報)を提示して、見出しの正確さを判定させるか、見出しをシェアすることを検討するか否かを回答させた。その結果、真実の見出しは偽りの見出しよりも正確と評価されることが多かったが、その一方で、誤っているが政治的に意に沿う見出しについては、シェアすることを検討すると回答した人がその見出しを正確と評価した人の2倍だった。こうした結果にもかかわらず、大部分の参加者は、ソーシャルメディア上で正確な情報のみを共有するのが極めて重要だと回答しており、このことは、一部の人々が誤った情報を意図的に広めているわけではない可能性を示している。
Prompting people to reflect on the accuracy of news headlines increases the quality of news that they share online, according to a study published online in Nature this week. The research, which includes a field experiment on Twitter, suggests that social media platforms could remind users to check the accuracy of information to improve the quality of news circulating online.
To understand why people share misinformation on social media and how to reduce this behaviour, Gordon Pennycook and colleagues performed a number of survey experiments in which individuals were asked to rate the accuracy of news and whether they would share it. In the initial experiments, groups were presented with real news stories (half of which were untrue) and were asked to either judge the accuracy of the headline or indicate whether they would consider sharing the headlines. True headlines were rated as accurate more often than false headlines; however, individuals were twice as likely to consider sharing false but politically concordant headlines than they were to rate such headlines as accurate. Despite these results, most participants stated that it was extremely important to share only accurate information on social media, which indicates that some people may not intentionally spread misinformation.
Subsequent experiments demonstrated that, when prompted to consider the accuracy of headlines, people shared fewer false news stories. The authors suggest that the sharing of false information may be due to inattention. In a field experiment involving 5,379 Twitter users they found that when individuals were sent a private message asking them to rate the accuracy of a single news headline, the accuracy and quality of the news sources shared improved.
The current design of social media platforms — in which a wide variety of content is available and users receive rapid social feedback on their sharing — may be distracting people from considering accuracy, the authors propose. They conclude that adding periodic reminders to users to rate the accuracy of information could potentially reduce the spread of misinformation online.
After the embargo ends, the full paper will be available at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03344-2
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03344-2
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