
弱毒化したマラリア原虫を接種した後に予防薬を投与して、高レベルの防御免疫を達成するというマラリアワクチン戦略の有効性が、56人の参加者による臨床試験で実証された。この知見を報告する論文が、今週、Nature に掲載される。
マラリアは、熱帯熱マラリア原虫(Plasmodium falciparum)が引き起こす疾患で、このマラリア原虫に感染した蚊に刺されることを介して伝播する。マラリア患者の体内では、熱帯熱マラリア原虫のスポロゾイト(胞子様の形態)が肝臓に侵入し、肝細胞内で複製する。その後、数千ものヒト感染性マラリア原虫が血流中に放出され、赤血球に感染してさらに増殖し、マラリアを引き起こす。
今回、Patrick Duffyたちの研究チームは、56人の健康な成人ボランティアを化学的に弱毒化した感染性スポロゾイトを使って免疫し、彼らはその数日後に、ピリメタミン(肝臓期のマラリア原虫を殺傷する予防薬)あるいはクロロキン(血液期のマラリア原虫を殺傷する予防薬)を投与された。この試験では、ワクチン接種量が増加すると、ワクチンの有効性レベルが上昇した。例えば、最高用量での接種の場合、最大87.5%のワクチン有効性が達成された。
A malaria vaccine strategy, comprising an inoculation with a weakened parasite followed by treatment with a prophylactic drug, that offers high levels of protection is demonstrated in a trial involving 56 participants. The findings are reported in this week’s Nature.
Malaria is caused by the Plasmodium falciparum parasite, which is transmitted via the bite of infected mosquitoes. Inside the body, spore-like forms of the parasite, called sporozoites, enter the liver and replicate inside cells called hepatocytes. Many thousands of infectious parasites are then released into the bloodstream, where they infect red blood cells, multiply further, and cause disease.
Patrick Duffy and colleagues immunized 56 healthy adult volunteers with chemically attenuated (weakened) infectious sporozoites; a few days later, these individuals were given a dose of either pyrimethamine or chloroquine: prophylactic drugs that kill liver-stage and blood-stage parasites, respectively. Higher doses of the vaccine were associated with increasing levels of vaccine efficacy. The highest dose, for example, induced a vaccine efficacy of up to 87.5%.
In addition to assessing how well the strategy works against the same strain of P. falciparum as was used as the vaccine, the team also investigated responses to a different strain of the parasite. Alongside a high dose of chloroquine, immunization with infectious sporozoites achieved 100% protective efficacy against the 7G8 strain, which is found in Brazil, in six individuals for up to three months. This demonstration of so-called heterologous protection is important because an effective vaccine must protect against a diverse range of naturally circulating P. falciparum strains.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03684-z
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