トランスユーラシア語族(日本語、韓国語、ツングース語、モンゴル語、チュルク語からなる)は、約9000年前の中国に起源があり、その普及は農業によって促進された可能性があることを明らかにした論文が、Nature に掲載される。今回の研究は、東ユーラシア言語史における重要な時期について解明を進める上で役立つ。
今回、Martine Robbeetsたちは、3つの研究分野(歴史言語学、古代DNA研究、考古学)を結集して、トランスユーラシア語族の言語が約9000年前の中国北東部の遼河流域の初期のキビ農家まで辿れることを明らかにした。その後、農民たちが北東アジア全体に移動するにつれて、これらの言語は、北西方向にはシベリアとステップ地域へ、東方向には韓国と日本へ広がったと考えられる。
The Transeurasian language family, which comprises Japanese, Korean, Tungusic, Mongolic and Turkic, may have originated in China around 9,000 years ago and its spread was driven by agriculture, a Nature study reveals. The research helps to clarify an important period in eastern Eurasian linguistic history.
The Transeurasian language family is spread all across Eurasia, from Japan, Korea and Siberia in the east to Turkey in the west. Despite its prevalence, however, the origins and spread of this language family are hotly debated, with population dispersals, agricultural expansions and linguistic dispersals all introducing complications.
Martine Robbeets and colleagues combine three disciplines — historical linguistics, ancient DNA research and archaeology — to reveal that Transeurasian languages can be traced back around 9,000 years to early millet farmers in the Liao valley of northeast China. As the farmers then moved across Northeast Asia, the languages spread north and west into Siberia and the steppes, and east into Korea and Japan.
The findings challenge the ‘pastoral hypothesis’, which proposes a more recent origin for this language family, around 2000 to 1000 BC, and a dispersal that was led by nomads as they migrated away from the eastern steppe.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-04108-8
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