Research press release



洪水や干ばつに対するリスク管理戦略では、前例のない大規模な洪水や干ばつの影響を低減できないと考えられることを示唆した論文が、Nature に掲載される。極端な洪水や干ばつは、気候変動の結果として増加する可能性が高いが、今回の知見は、このような極端な事象を管理することの難しさを浮き彫りにしている。


今回、Heidi Kreibichたちは、リスク管理戦略の効果を評価するために、同じ地域で異なる時点に発生した2つの洪水事象または干ばつ事象(発生間隔が平均16年)を1組にしたデータセット(45組)を解析した。一般的にリスク管理によって洪水や干ばつの影響が低減したが、過去に経験したことのない規模の洪水事象または干ばつ事象があった場合には、リスク管理の方法にかかわらず、その影響が低減しない可能性があることが明らかになった。この結果は、ハザードを管理するために設計されたインフラ(堤防や貯水池など)の閾値を超える洪水や干ばつが起こったことに起因している可能性があるという見解をKreibichたちは示している。また、特にめったに起こらない極端な洪水や干ばつに関しては、人間のリスク認識の問題点が、洪水や干ばつの予測とその影響を低減する取り組みに悪影響を及ぼしているかもしれないとKreibichたちは考えている。


Risk management strategies for floods and droughts may not reduce the effects of unprecedented events, a paper in Nature suggests. The findings highlight the difficulty of managing such extreme events, which are likely to increase as a result of climate change.

Risk management strategies have reduced global vulnerability to floods and droughts, but the effects of such events are still severe and increasing in many parts of the world. Forecasts for 2 °C of warming suggest that the economic impacts of floods may double globally, and in Europe the economic impact of droughts could triple. Understanding why changes in impact occur is important, but this has been hindered by a lack of empirical data.

Heidi Kreibich and colleagues analysed a dataset of 45 pairs of flood or drought events that occurred in the same area at different time points (16 years apart on average) to assess the effects of risk management strategies. They show that, in general, risk management reduced the impact of floods and droughts; however, when the events were of magnitudes not previously experienced, their effects might not be lessened regardless of the risk management approaches taken. The authors suggest that this outcome may be due to thresholds of infrastructure designed to manage the hazard, such as levees or water reservoirs, being exceeded. The authors also suggest that flaws in human risk perception, especially for rare extreme events, might affect efforts to anticipate them and lessen their effects.

There were two pairs of events (flooding in Barcelona in 1995 and 2018 and Danube catchment floods in Austria and Germany in 2002 and 2013) for which the second event was more hazardous, but the effects were less than those of the first event. Kreibich and colleagues suggest that this was due to improved risk management and investment in integrated management approaches, which led to improved early warning and emergency responses, complemented by structural changes such as levees. The authors conclude that these successful responses could be used to identify risk management strategies to reduce the effects of unprecedented events, which may increase because of climate change.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04917-5

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