Research press release




ウイルスの種間伝播は、特に哺乳動物から人間への感染症の発生の重要な要因である。家畜におけるウイルス感染の研究は、豚などの従来の家畜に焦点を当てがちであるが、毛皮用に飼育される動物もまた、新興感染症の病原体の潜在的な温床となり得る。例えば、最近、飼育のヨーロッパミンクの間で H5N1 型インフルエンザ A ウイルスの発生が報告されている。

毛皮用に飼育されている動物に存在するウイルスについてさらに理解を深めるため、Shuo Suらは、中国全土の461匹の毛皮用動物(412匹は飼育下、49匹は自然または人工的に作られた野生環境下)の組織のメタゲノムシーケンシングを行った。これらの動物には、ミンクやアカギツネなどが含まれ、多目的家畜(毛皮やその他の製品用に飼育されている動物)も含まれていた。



Zhao, J., Wan, W., Yu, K. et al. Farmed fur animals harbour viruses with zoonotic spillover potential. Nature (2024).

Fur animals can act as reservoirs and important transmission hubs for emerging infectious diseases, according to a study in Nature. The study, which includes data from farmed fur animals, suggests that monitoring of these animals should be increased to determine potential viral transmission routes between species and to identify viruses with the potential to jump to livestock and humans.

Cross-species transmission of viruses is an important driver of infectious disease emergence, particularly from mammalian animals to humans. Research on viral transmission in farmed animals tends to focus on conventional livestock, such as pigs, but animals farmed for fur are also potential reservoirs of emerging pathogens. For example, outbreaks of H5N1 influenza A virus have recently been reported in farmed European mink.

To understand more about the viruses that circulate in animals farmed for fur, Shuo Su and colleagues performed metagenomic sequencing of tissues from 461 fur animals (412 from farmed sources and 49 from natural or artificially created wild environments) across China.  These animals included mink, red foxes etc., as well as multipurpose farm animals (those farmed for fur and other products).

The authors characterized 125 species of virus, 36 of which were novel and 39 that had a high risk for cross-species transmission. Coronaviruses and influenza A viruses were among those identified. Viruses that showed evidence of frequent host-jumping included 11 zoonotic viruses (already seen in humans) and 15 cross-order viruses (not seen in humans but observed in two or more mammalian orders). Raccoon dogs were shown to carry the highest number of potentially high-risk virus species (10), with guinea pigs, rabbits and Arctic foxes also considered potentially risk hosts.

More extensive and regular surveillance of these animals is required to assess the risks to public health that could arise from fur animal farming.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07901-3

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