Nature Geoscience
Fewer Atlantic hurricanes under global warming
21世紀末までに予想されている明白な地球温暖化の下では、ハリケーンや熱帯暴風は現在より数が少なくなると今週号のNature Geoscience (電子版)に発表された局地的な気候モデルを用いた大西洋の研究が示唆している。この発見は、気候変動が熱帯暴風やハリケーンの頻度を増加させるとする直感とは相容れない。
Tom Knutson等は、ハリケーンのシミュレーションのために設計され、1980年と2006年の間に観測されたハリケーンの増加を再現した大西洋の局地的モデルを用いている。モデルを動かすために、21世紀末を予想した気候モデル集団を用いて、彼等はハリケーンの頻度が減少するが、ハリケーンと熱帯暴風に関連した降雨は顕著に増加するとシミュレーションした。
Hurricanes and tropical storms will become rarer under the pronounced global warming expected by the end of the twenty-first century, suggests a regional climate model study of the Atlantic basin published online this week in Nature Geoscience. These findings are at odds with the notion that climate change will drive an increase in tropical storm and hurricane frequency.
Tom Knutson and co-workers use a regional model of the Atlantic Ocean basin that was designed for the simulation of hurricanes and that reproduces the observed increase in hurricane frequency between 1980 and 2006. Using an ensemble of climate model projections for the end of the twenty-first century to drive their model, they simulate a decrease in hurricane frequency but a substantial increase in rainfall associated with hurricanes and tropical storms.
The model supports the hypothesis that the main cause of the recent increase in Atlantic hurricane numbers was the warming of the tropical Atlantic Ocean relative to the other tropical ocean basins, whereas a uniform warming of all tropical ocean basins, as expected from global warming, would not lead to increases in Atlantic hurricane frequency.
Author contact:
Tom Knutson (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Princeton, NJ, USA)
Tel: +1 609 452 6509; E-mail: Tom.Knutson@noaa.gov
****Please note a press briefing will take place UNDER STRICT EMBARGO on Friday 16 May at 10:00 US Eastern time / 15:00 London time (BST). For full details or further information please contact:
Jana Goldman, Public Affairs Officer, NOAA on jana.goldman@noaa.gov****
doi: 10.1038/ngeo202
生態学:深海の生態系を調査するNature Communications
地球科学:地球の内核の変化を検出Nature Geoscience
気候変動:2024年の気温がパリ協定の目標に与える影響の評価Nature Climate Change
惑星科学:月のグランドキャニオンの形成Nature Communications