

Nature Genetics


Genetic susceptibility to gastric cancer

PSCA遺伝子の多型が、胃癌の2つの主要なカテゴリーの1つ、びまん型胃癌の高い発症リスクと関連していることが判明した。Nature Genetics(電子版)に今週掲載される論文では、世界の癌による死亡例で非常に多い胃癌について調べるために日本と韓国で共同実施された全ゲノム関連解析が報告されている。

これまでの研究からは、胃癌に「腸型」と「びまん型」があることが示唆されていた。びまん型は、胃の中で均等に分布し、ピロリ菌(Helicobacter pyroli)の感染とは関係ない。腸型は、ピロリ菌との相関が確認されることが多い。


A variant in the gene PSCA is associated with increased risk of diffuse-type gastric cancer - one of the two major categories of gastric cancer. A report online in Nature Genetics this week describes a genome wide association study from Japan and Korea to investigate one of the world’s leading causes of cancer death.

Previous work has suggested that there are ‘intestinal’ and ‘diffuse’ types of gastric cancer. The diffuse type is uniformly distributed geographically, and is unrelated to infection by Helicobacter pylori, which is often correlated with the intestinal type.

Teruhiko Yoshida and colleagues carried out a genome-wide association study for diffuse-type gastric cancer in Japan, and identified a variant in the gene PSCA to be significantly associated with elevated risk. This association was replicated in an additional group of cases and controls from Korea. The function of the PSCA gene product is unknown, although the authors show that it is anchored in the cell membrane and can inhibit the proliferation of cultured cells.

Author contact:

Teruhiko Yoshida (National Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan)

Tel: +81 3 3547 5249; E-mail: tyoshida@ncc.go.jp


吉田 輝彦、よしだ てるひこ

国立がんセンター研究所 腫瘍ゲノム解析・情報研究部

TEL : 03-3547-5249

FAX : 03-3541-2685

E-mail : tyoshida@ncc.go.jp

doi: 10.1038/ng.152

