
新型コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)のRNAが空気中に存在していることを示す証拠を明らかにした論文が、2020年4月27日にNature で発表される。中国の武漢にある2つの病院といくつかの公共区域で実施された環境モニタリングで、空気中にSARS-CoV-2のRNAが存在するホットスポットが複数発見されたのだ。ただし、このRNAの感染力の有無に関する評価は行われていない。このモニタリングのサンプルサイズは小さい(31か所で40サンプル未満)が、モニタリングによって得られた知見は、丁寧な消毒、十分な換気と人の密集回避により、空気中のウイルスへの曝露のリスクを低減できるという考えを支持している。
今回、Ke Lanたちは、2020年2~3月にCOVID-19(SARS-CoV-2感染症)患者を治療する政府指定病院の院内と周辺地域にエアロゾルトラップを設置した。病院は、重症患者のための3級甲等医院(Aクラスの三次病院)と軽症患者のための野戦病院(競技場を転用したもの)の2か所で、換気のなされた患者病棟でのSARS-CoV-2のRNAの濃度は、非常に低いのが通例だった。その理由として、Lanたちは、隔離が効果的に行われていることと十分な換気が行われていることを挙げている。換気が行われていない患者用トイレでは、空気中のウイルスRNAの濃度が高く、特に濃度が高かったのは、医療スタッフが防護具を脱ぐための区域だった。このことは、防護具を脱ぐ際にウイルスを含んだエアロゾルが空気中に再浮遊する可能性のあることを示唆している。これに対して、消毒作業の厳密性と頻度を高めたところ、医療スタッフ区域では、空気中のSARS-CoV-2のRNAに関する検出可能な証拠は見つからなかった。
A study presenting evidence for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the air is published in Nature today. Environmental monitoring of two hospitals and some public areas in Wuhan, China, reveals hotspots for airborne viral RNA, but whether this material has the potential to infect was not assessed. Although the sample sizes are small (fewer than 40 samples from 31 locations), the findings support notions that careful sanitization, good ventilation and avoidance of crowds can reduce the risk of airborne virus exposure.
Reported modes of SARS-CoV-2 RNA transmission to humans include close contact with infected individuals, contact with contaminated surfaces or inhalation of droplets released from the respiratory system of people with the virus. Whether there is further potential for SARS-CoV-2 to spread through the air has been less clear.
Ke Lan and colleagues set up aerosol traps in and around two government-designated hospitals for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 (the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection) during February and March 2020. These sites included a grade-A tertiary hospital for patients with severe illness and a field hospital (a converted stadium) for patients with mild symptoms. The concentration in ventilated patient wards was generally very low, which the authors attribute to effective isolation and high air exchange. Patient toilets, which were not ventilated, had elevated concentrations of airborne viral RNA. The authors found that RNA was especially concentrated in areas used by medical staff to take off protective equipment, which suggests that virus-laden aerosols can become resuspended in the air when this equipment is removed. However, after increasing the rigour and frequency of sanitization efforts, no detectable evidence of airborne SARS-CoV-2 RNA was found in medical staff areas.
Concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in public areas outside the hospitals such as residential buildings and supermarkets, were generally low. However, two areas that were subject to large crowds passing through, including an outdoor space near to one of the hospitals, had elevated concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. The authors suggest that individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 within these crowded areas may have contributed to the viral aerosols.
This study does not investigate whether the SARS-CoV-2 RNA has the potential to be infectious, and restricted access to the hospitals during the peak outbreak limited the number of samples that could be taken. Nonetheless, the study supports the use of thorough sterilization of the potential hotspots for virus-laden aerosols, well-ventilated hospitals and avoidance of crowds to reduce the risk of infection.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2271-3
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