Research press release



遺伝子操作されたブタの肝臓を脳死と診断された人間のレシピエントに移植した最初の事例を報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。この処置は、脳死と診断された患者に対して行われ、移植された臓器の10日間の観察期間における性能を評価することを目的とした。


Hai-Long Dong、Lin Wang、Ke-Feng Douらの研究チームは、病院倫理委員会の厳格な監督下で、6つの遺伝子を編集したバマミニチュアブタの肝臓を、脳死と診断された人間のレシピエントに移植した。遺伝子編集には、拒絶反応を媒介する遺伝子の除去と、適合性を促進するためのヒト導入遺伝子の挿入が含まれた。著者らは、10日間にわたって移植機能、血流、免疫および炎症反応をモニタリングした。ブタの肝臓は胆汁とブタアルブミンを産生し、血流を安定に保ち、拒絶反応の兆候は見られなかった。免疫反応は免疫抑制剤で制御された。


Tao, KS., Yang, ZX., Zhang, X. et al. Gene-modified pig-to-human liver xenotransplantation. Nature (2025).

The first known transplantation of a gene-modified pig liver to a human recipient diagnosed with brain death is described in a study published in Nature. The procedure was carried out in a person diagnosed with brain death to evaluate the performance of the transplanted organ over a 10-day observation period.

Liver transplantation is the most effective treatment for end-stage liver diseases, but the demand for donor livers far exceeds the supply. Pigs are being considered as an alternative source of organs owing to their compatible physiological functions and size. Advances in gene editing have made it possible to modify pig organs to reduce the risk of rejection and improve compatibility with human recipients. However, the complexity of liver function makes transplantation difficult.

Hai-Long Dong, Lin Wang, Ke-Feng Dou and colleagues transplanted a liver from a Bama miniature pig in which six genes had been edited into a human recipient who was diagnosed with brain death, under the strict supervision of their hospital ethics committee. The gene edits included removal of genes that mediate rejection and the insertion of human transgenes to facilitate compatibility. The authors monitored graft function, blood flow, and immune and inflammatory responses over a period of 10 days. The porcine liver produced bile and porcine albumin, maintained stable blood flow and showed no signs of rejection. Immune responses were controlled with immunosuppressants.

These findings suggest that gene-modified pig livers can survive and function in human bodies, potentially serving as a bridge therapy for patients with liver failure awaiting human donors. However, the study was limited to a 10-day observation period, and only basic liver functions were measured. Further research is needed to evaluate long-term outcomes and the full range of liver functions.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-025-08799-1

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