
過去5000年間に、地球の近くにある1715個の星が、地球を観測できる位置にあったという推定結果を示す論文が、Nature に掲載される。それに加えて、これらの星のいくつかを周回する29の生命存在可能天体で、地球の観測を実施し、人工電波を受信できた可能性があるとする仮説も提示されている。今回の研究は、このような天体で地球を観測する者が地球で現在用いられているものと同等の天文機器を持っていると仮定すると、地球から生命の痕跡を検出することが可能であることを示している。
今回、Lisa KalteneggerとJaqueline Fahertyは、太陽から100パーセク(約300光年)以内に位置する近傍の天体のカタログが含まれるガイアデータベースを用いて、地球を観測する地点が時間の経過とともにどのように変化したかを調べた。その結果、1715個の星が、初期の人類文明が発達した約5000年前から現在までに地球を観測するために適した位置にあり、今後5000年間にさらに319個の星が地球の観測に適した位置に来ることが明らかになった。また、75個の星は、人工電波が届く位置(100光年以内)にある。
An estimated 1,715 nearby stars may have been in a position to see Earth in the past 5,000 years, according to a paper in Nature. The study goes on to propose that 29 potentially habitable worlds orbiting some of these stars could have both seen Earth and received human-made radio waves. The work indicates that signatures of life from Earth could be detected, assuming that observers would have astronomical instruments comparable to those that we currently use.
One method for detecting exoplanets is to look for signs of them transiting across a star; Earth could also be detectable from other exoplanets using this method. The zone from which nearby stars might have a view of Earth transiting across the Sun has been explored, but previous studies have not considered changing vantage points over time.
Using the Gaia database, which includes a catalogue of nearby astronomical objects within 100 parsecs (around 300 light years) of the Sun, Lisa Kaltenegger and Jaqueline Faherty explore how that view point has changed over time. They determine that 1,715 stars are in the right position to have seen Earth since early human civilization developed (around 5,000 years ago), with an additional 319 stars entering this vantage point in the next 5,000 years. In addition, 75 stars are close enough (within 100 light years) for human-made radio waves to have reached them.
Seven of the stars that lie in the zone from which Earth is visible in the past, present and future are known hosts of exoplanets. For example, the Trappist-1 system — home to seven Earth-sized planets — will enter this zone in 1,642 years and remain there for 2,371 years. Stars with a vantage point from which they could see Earth transit the Sun could be priority targets for searches for potentially habitable planets, the authors infer.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03596-y
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