Research press release





今回、Nicholas Bellono、Ryan Hibbsらは、クライオ電子顕微鏡を使って、タコの化学触覚受容体の構造を明らかにし、ニコチン性アセチルコリン受容体と比較して、どの特徴が環境刺激の知覚や神経伝達を可能にするのかを明らかにした。つまり、タコの化学触覚受容体が持っている分子結合ポケットは、疎水性(水をはじく性質)が極めて高く、脂肪性化合物を知覚できるようになっているのに対して、小さな極性分子(水など)は神経伝達物質受容体によって検出されることが判明したのだ。



The structure of chemotactile receptors found on the suckers of cephalopods, and how these receptors may have evolved to suit the distinct predatory strategies of different species, are examined in a pair of papers published in Nature this week.

Many aquatic animals use specialized chemotactile sensory systems to probe surfaces for chemical cues. Chemotactile receptors (CRs), found in the skin cells of cephalopod suckers, allow octopuses to explore the seafloor using ‘taste-by-touch’ sensory systems. CRs diverged from ancestral neurotransmitter receptors, known as nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, to detect natural objects that are not soluble in water, but how these receptors evolved in cephalopods is unclear.

Nicholas Bellono, Ryan Hibbs and colleagues present the cryo-electron microscopy structure of an octopus CR and compare it with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors to determine which features enable the sensation of environmental stimuli versus neurotransmission. The authors found that the binding pocket for molecules of the octopus CR is exceptionally hydrophobic (water repelling), which enables the sensation of greasy compounds, whereas small polar molecules (such as water) are detected by neurotransmitter receptors.

A second paper by the team reports that both octopus and squid use CRs to sense their marine environments, but that structural differences between these receptors support the sensation of specific molecules suited to distinct physiological roles. They found that squid express ancient CRs that more closely resemble nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, whereas octopuses exhibit a more recent expansion in CRs consistent with their ‘taste-by-touch’ sensory system. By using a combination of genetic profiling, physiology and behavioural analyses, the authors uncovered the founding member of squid CRs, which detects soluble bitter molecules that are relevant to ambush predation. Comparing the cryo-electron microscopy structure of a squid CR with octopus CRs revealed an evolutionary transition from an ancestral cage-like molecular complex (in squid) to a more-recent CR hydrophobic binding pocket (in octopus) that traps insoluble molecules to enable contact-dependent chemosensation.

Collectively, these studies provide a basis for understanding how subtle structural adaptations may drive new organismal behaviours suited to specific ecological contexts, argue the authors.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05808-z

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