
今回、Mercedes Ricoteらは、マウスの母乳に含まれるγ-リノレン酸(GLA)が、出生後の新生仔マウスの心臓の代謝適応を指示する役割を担っていることを明らかにした。GLAはマウス(またはヒト)の体内で合成できないため、摂取する必要がある。無脂肪食を摂取した母親の乳を与えられた新生仔マウスは、出生後2日以内に死亡した。これに対して、この母乳にGLAを添加して与えたところ、新生仔マウスは、正常に生き続けた。また、Ricoteらは、GLAが、心筋細胞のレチノイドX受容体に結合して活性化させて、心筋細胞の代謝成熟過程を開始させることを明らかにした。
A fatty acid in maternal milk is critical for the maturation of the heart in newborn mice, according to a paper published in Nature. The findings shed more light on the mechanisms of how environmental factors affect the development of newborn mouse hearts after birth.
Birth presents challenges to a newborn’s heart, requiring diverse changes and maturation of heart cells. For example, cardiomyocytes, the heart’s contractile cells, need to reshape their fuel preference from glucose to fatty acids so that the heart can efficiently beat for an entire lifetime. However, the mechanisms underlying this maturation process are not well understood.
Mercedes Ricote and colleagues showed that a fatty acid called γ-linolenic acid (GLA) in the maternal milk of mice is responsible for instructing metabolic adaptation of newborn hearts after birth. GLA cannot be synthesized by mice (or humans), so it must be ingested. Newborn mice fed milk from mothers who were on a fat-free diet could not survive beyond two days after birth; however, supplementing this milk with GLA restored normal survival in neonates. The researchers also identified retinoid X receptors in cardiomyocytes as the target that GLA binds to and activates to initiate the metabolic maturation process of heart-muscle cells.
The authors noted that this study focused on mice only, and whether GLA in human milk is similarly essential for newborn heart function or metabolic maturation remains to be investigated.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06068-7
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