Research press release



現在の気象状況と今後の気象予測に基づいて、さまざまな結果の確率として表現される信頼性の高い確率的な気象予報を生成できる機械学習モデルを報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。「GenCast」と名付けられたこのモデルは、従来の最も精度の高い中期的な天気予報を上回る性能を発揮し、異常気象、熱帯サイクロンの進路、および風力発電の予測もより正確に行うことができる。


Ilan Priceらは、GenCastと名付けた機械学習による気象予報の方法を発表した。この手法は、現在の気象状態と過去の気象状態に基づいて、将来の天候の可能性を予測する確率的な予報を生成することができる。著者らは、GenCastを40年分(1979年から2018年)の気象発生に関する最良の推定分析データで訓練し、80以上の地表および大気変数について、15日間の世界的な予報を12時間刻みで、8分以内に生成することができる。欧州中期気象予報センター(ECMWF:European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)のアンサンブル予報(ENS:ensemble forecast)と比較したところ、決定論的予報であり、現在世界で最も精度の高い中期予報であるENSを、GenCastは1,320のパフォーマンス評価基準のうち97.2%で上回っていた。また、GenCastは異常気象、熱帯サイクロンの進路、および風力発電の生産量の予測において、より効果的であることも確認された。


Price, I., Sanchez-Gonzalez, A., Alet, F. et al. Probabilistic weather forecasting with machine learning. Nature (2024).

A machine learning model that can produce a reliable probabilistic weather forecast, expressed as probabilities of various outcomes, based on current and future weather is reported in a paper published in Nature. The model, named ‘GenCast’, outperforms the best-performing traditional medium-range weather forecast and is also able to better predict extreme weather, tropical cyclone tracks and wind power production.

Accurate weather forecasts are essential for individuals, governments and organizations to make key decisions on a daily basis ranging from whether to carry an umbrella, assessing wind power production or extreme weather planning. Weather forecasting is traditionally based on numerical weather prediction methods, which estimate current weather and maps this to a forecast of future weather over time (known as deterministic forecasts). This generates numerous potential scenarios, which are combined to produce a weather forecast.

Ilan Price and colleagues present a machine learning weather prediction method named GenCast. The method is able to generate a probabilistic forecast, which predicts the likelihood of future weather based on the current and previous weather states. The authors trained GenCast on 40 years (1979 to 2018) of best-estimate analysis data of weather occurrences and it is able to generate 15-day global forecasts, at 12-hour steps, for over 80 surface and atmospheric variables, in 8 minutes. When compared to the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts’ ensemble forecast (ENS) — a deterministic forecast and currently the top-performing medium-range forecast globally — they found that GenCast outperformed the ENS in 97.2% of the 1,320 targets used to summarize the performance. They also observed that GenCast is more effective at predicting extreme weather, tropical cyclone tracks and wind power production.

The authors suggest that GenCast may provide more efficient and effective weather forecasts to support effective planning.


doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08252-9

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