Volume 502 Number 7471



The maze of impact metrics p.271

In deciding how to judge the impact of research, evaluators must take into account the effects of emphasizing particular measures — and be open about their methods.

doi: 10.1038/502271a


High hopes p.271

Care must be taken not to raise unrealistic expectations for RTS,S malaria vaccine.

doi: 10.1038/502271b


Searching for life p.272

A look into the past frames our attempts to find extraterrestrial intelligence.

doi: 10.1038/502272a



NIH campus endures slow decay p.279

Experiments suffer from lack of lab materials and staff during US government shutdown.

doi: 10.1038/502279a


Modellers react to chemistry award p.280

Prize proves that theorists can measure up to experimenters.

doi: 10.1038/502280a


Study aims to put IPCC under a lens p.281

Social scientists want to examine how climate panel’s internal dynamics affect outcomes.

doi: 10.1038/502281a


ITER keeps eye on prize p.282

Construction delays force rethink of research programme, but fusion target still on track.

doi: 10.1038/502282a


UK push to open up patients’ data p.283

Government faces obstacles to mining medical records.

doi: 10.1038/502283a


Regulators weigh benefits of ‘three-parent’ fertilization p.284

But critics say mitochondrial replacement carries safety and ethical concerns.

doi: 10.1038/502284a



Research evaluation: Impact p.287

Evaluating research output and judging which work to fund is getting harder.

doi: 10.1038/502287a


Research assessments: Judgement day p.288

Many governments are assessing the quality of university research, much to the dismay of some researchers.

doi: 10.1038/502288a


Science publishing: The golden club p.291

Publishing in the most prestigious journals can open doors, but their cachet is under attack.

doi: 10.1038/502291a

News & Views


Genomics: Comparisons across cancers p.306


doi: 10.1038/502306a


Physical chemistry: Combs for molecules p.307


doi: 10.1038/502307a

幹細胞:in situ での再プログラム化

Stem cells: Reprogramming in situ p.309


doi: 10.1038/nature12559


Astrophysics: Super-luminous supernovae on the rise p.310


doi: 10.1038/502310a


Cancer: Killing from the inside p.312


doi: 10.1038/nature12692


Materials science: To bind or not to bind p.313


doi: 10.1038/502313a


Multiple sclerosis: An old drug plays a new trick p.314


doi: 10.1038/nature12694



Criteria for the use of omics-based predictors in clinical trials OPEN p.317

A checklist of criteria to determine the readiness of high-throughput ‘omics’-based tests for guiding patient therapy in clinical trials is discussed; the checklist, developed by the US National Cancer Institute in collaboration with additional scientists with relevant expertise, provides a framework to evaluate the strength of evidence for a test and outlines practical issues to consider before using the test in a clinical setting, with an aim to avoid premature advancement of omics-based tests in clinical trials.

doi: 10.1038/nature12564



Olivine crystals align during diffusion creep of Earth’s upper mantle p.321

In Earth’s mantle, the shape change of olivine grains depending on temperature and the presence of melt can result in the development of olivine crystallographic preferred orientation during diffusion creep, meaning that the process may be the principal mechanism of mantle flow.

doi: 10.1038/nature12570


A regenerative approach to the treatment of multiple sclerosis p.327

Multiple sclerosis is associated with a deficiency in generation of mature oligodendroctyes; an image-based screen for oligodendrocyte differentiation inducers identified the compound benztropine, which enhances remyelination acting through muscarinic receptors and decreases clinical severity in a multiple sclerosis model system.

doi: 10.1038/nature12647


Mutational landscape and significance across 12 major cancer types OPEN p.333

As part of The Cancer Genome Atlas Pan-Cancer effort, data analysis for point mutations and small indels from 3,281 tumours and 12 tumour types is presented; among the findings are 127 significantly mutated genes from cellular processes with both established and emerging links in cancer, and an indication that the number of driver mutations required for oncogenesis is relatively small.

doi: 10.1038/nature12634

細胞:in vivoでの再プログラム化は分化全能性の特徴を持つiPS細胞および奇形腫を作り出す

Reprogramming in vivo produces teratomas and iPS cells with totipotency features p.340

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) have been created in vivo by reprogramming mouse somatic cells with Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc; these cells have totipotent features that are missing from in vitro created iPS cells or embryonic stem cells.

doi: 10.1038/nature12586



Slowly fading super-luminous supernovae that are not pair-instability explosions p.346

Observations of two slow-to-fade super-luminous supernovae are reported; both show relatively fast rise times and blue colours, which are incompatible with pair-instability models.

doi: 10.1038/nature12569


Deterministic entanglement of superconducting qubits by parity measurement and feedback p.350

A time-resolved, continuous parity measurement of two superconducting qubits in a three-dimensional circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture is reported; by further implementing feedback control, entanglement is generated ‘on demand’.

doi: 10.1038/nature12513


Coherent Raman spectro-imaging with laser frequency combs p.355

A new multiplex technique of coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectro-imaging with two laser frequency combs is shown to record molecular spectra of broad bandwidth on a microsecond scale.

doi: 10.1038/nature12607


Molecular understanding of sulphuric acid–amine particle nucleation in the atmosphere OPEN p.359

Amines at typical atmospheric concentrations of a only few molecules per trillion air molecules combine with sulphuric acid to form highly stable aerosol particles at rates similar to those observed in the lower atmosphere.

doi: 10.1038/nature12663


Chelicerate neural ground pattern in a Cambrian great appendage arthropod p.364

Cambrian great appendage arthropods had heads that bore a claw-like appendage pair; neuroanatomical and phylogenetic analysis of a well-preserved Alalcomenaeus fossil reveals the relationship of great appendage arthropods to Chelicerata.

doi: 10.1038/nature12520


A juvenile mouse pheromone inhibits sexual behaviour through the vomeronasal system p.368

ESP22, a new pheromone produced by juvenile mice before puberty and released through the tears, activates neurons in the vomeronasal organ and inhibits mating behaviour in adult males towards animals expressing this signal.

doi: 10.1038/nature12579


Diabetic hyperglycaemia activates CaMKII and arrhythmias by O-linked glycosylation p.372

CaMKII is known to be pathologically activated in heart failure and arrhythmias; here it is shown that glucose-induced CaMKII activation via O-linked glycosylation might contribute to cardiac pathology in diabetes.

doi: 10.1038/nature12537


A statin-dependent QTL for GATM expression is associated with statin-induced myopathy p.377

Exploration of the interacting effect of statin exposure and genetic variation on gene expression identifies a cis-eQTL that is differentially associated with expression of the GATM gene, which encodes a rate-limiting enzyme involved in creatine synthesis, and that is associated with incidence of statin-induced myopathy, the major adverse effect of statin treatment.

doi: 10.1038/nature12508


HELQ promotes RAD51 paralogue-dependent repair to avert germ cell loss and tumorigenesis p.381

Interstrand crosslink (ICL) repair involves proteins whose mutation results in the disorder Fanconi anaemia: here gene knockdown studies in mice show that the absence of HELQ, a protein previously implicated in ICL repair, compromises germ cell development and results in tumour predisposition due to defective recombination at damaged replication forks.

doi: 10.1038/nature12565


Hidden specificity in an apparently nonspecific RNA-binding protein p.385

A novel high-throughput sequencing kinetics approach is used to measure functional binding of the apparently nonspecific RNA-binding protein C5 to all possible sequence variants in its substrate binding site; C5 binds different substrate variants with affinities varying widely, and with a similar affinity distribution to that of highly specific nucleic-acid-binding proteins, but it does not bind its physiological RNA targets with the highest affinity.

doi: 10.1038/nature12543


Migrating bubble during break-induced replication drives conservative DNA synthesis p.389

This paper demonstrates that the mechanism of break-induced replication (BIR) is significantly different from S-phase replication, as it proceeds via a migrating bubble driven by Pif1 helicase, results in conservative inheritance of newly synthesized DNA, and is inherently mutagenic.

doi: 10.1038/nature12584


Pif1 helicase and Polδ promote recombination-coupled DNA synthesis via bubble migration p.393

This paper demonstrates that Pif1 helicase works with polymerase d to promote DNA synthesis through a migrating D-loop, a mechanism used to copy tens of kilobases during repair of chromosome breaks by break-induced replication (BIR).

doi: 10.1038/nature12585

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