2011年3月、マグニチュード9.0の大地震と大津波、およびそれに伴う史上最悪の原発事故が発生した。原発事故の被災者の現状、日本政府の対応、また放射能の影響に関し、Nature が提供する最新情報をまとめた。
Critical Mass
Nature 480, 291 (号)
Fukushima's uncertainty problem
被ばくを懸念する読者の疑問に対し科学は明確な答えを与えていないと Nature の記者 Geoff Brumfiel が解説する。
Nature (オンライン掲載)
Quake fears rise at Japan’s reactors
Nature 494, 14-15 (号)
Fallout forensics hike radiation toll
Nature 478, 435-436 (号)
Nuclear energy: Nationalize the Fukushima Daiichi atomic plant
Nature 480, 313-314 (号)
Rebuilding seismology
鷺谷威:すべてのデータを考え合わせる | 金森博雄:想定外の事態に備える | 八木勇治:海底観察を強化 | 山田真澄:警報システムのさらなる改良 | Jim Mori:より大きな揺れに耐えられるビルの設計
Nature 473, 146-148 (号)
Shake-up time for Japanese seismology
Nature 472, 407-409 (号)
Ask the Experts: When Will Japan's Aftershocks Stop?
Scientific American がカリフォルニア州工科大学の地震学者ヒートンに聞いた
Scientific American ()
Much of Fukushima’s fallout was gone with the wind
Nature (オンライン掲載)
Fukushima: Fallout of fear
Nature 493, 290-293 (号)
Ocean still suffering from Fukushima fallout
Nature (オンライン掲載)
Nature 472, 145-146 (号)
Nature (オンライン掲載)
Nature 471, 556-557 (号)
Cellulose nanofiber backboned Prussian blue nanoparticles as powerful adsorbents for the selective elimination of radioactive cesium
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
BRAFV600E mutation is highly prevalent in thyroid carcinomas in the young population in Fukushima: a different oncogenic profile from Chernobyl
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Morphological defects in native Japanese fir trees around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Plutonium concentration and isotopic ratio in soil samples from central-eastern Japan collected around the 1970s
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Assessment of radiocesium contamination in frogs 18 months after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident on goshawk reproduction
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
First retrieval of hourly atmospheric radionuclides just after the Fukushima accident by analyzing filter-tapes of operational air pollution monitoring stations
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Low blood cell counts in wild Japanese monkeys after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
The biological impacts of ingested radioactive materials on the pale grass blue butterfly
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Southward spreading of the Fukushima-derived radiocesium across the Kuroshio Extension in the North Pacific
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Initial flux of sediment-associated radiocesium to the ocean from the largest river impacted by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Effects of radioactive caesium on bull testes after the Fukushima nuclear plant accident
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Emission of spherical cesium-bearing particles from an early stage of the Fukushima nuclear accident
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Activity concentrations of environmental samples collected in Fukushima Prefecture immediately after the Fukushima nuclear accident
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Overview of active cesium contamination of freshwater fish in Fukushima and Eastern Japan
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Overview of active cesium contamination of freshwater fish in Fukushima and Eastern Japan
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Observation of Earth's free oscillation by dense GPS array: After the 2011 Tohoku megathrust earthquake
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Concentration of 3H in plants around Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Disturbances in equilibrium function after major earthquake
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Continued Distress among Abandoned Dogs in Fukushima
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Thyroid doses for evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear accident
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
The total amounts of radioactively contaminated materials in forests in Fukushima, Japan
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Isotopic evidence of plutonium release into the environment from the Fukushima DNPP accident
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Disturbance of deep-sea environments induced by the M9.0 Tohoku Earthquake
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
Disturbance of deep-sea environments induced by the M9.0 Tohoku Earthquake
Scientific Reports (オンライン掲載)
A year at Fukushima
1年前、福島第一原子力発電所の3基の原子炉がメルトダウンした。Nature Videoでは、原子炉の安定化、そしてさらなる汚染の拡散を防止するために行われている懸命の作業について紹介する。
Nature Video ()
Fukushima nuclear crisis, six months later
福島第一原子力発電所の原子炉3機におけるメルトダウンを発端とした原発事故により、日本では現在も危機的状況が続いている。原子炉の安定化作業、また日本および世界中の原子力発電に危機を与えたこの事故の影響に関し、Nature Video が最新情報をお届けする。
Nature Video ()
Fukushima's nuclear emergency
The partial meltdown of nuclear fuel at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has created a crisis in Japan. Nature Video provides a brief summary of events at the plant, and what lies ahead for the damaged reactors.
Nature Video (21 April 2011)
Podcast Extra: Fukushima
Japan is struggling with a nuclear emergency following the earthquake and tsunami on 11 March. In this podcast, reporter Geoff Brumfiel brings us up-to-date on the situation at the Fukushima power plant.
Nature Podcast ()
Lessons from the past
Nature 471, 547 ()
The long road back
Nature 471, 409 ()
Nuclear leak reinforces need for drugs to combat radiation sometimes administer
Nature Medicine Blog ()