Out of Africa p.139
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa must be shut down now, or the disease will continue to spread.
doi: 10.1038/514139a
array:6 [ 14 => NPG_Content_Model_Record_JournalSection {#14187 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_JournalSection" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection" #_journal: NPG_Content_Model_Record_Journal {#14200 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_Journal" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_Journal" #_name: null #_shortname: null #_frequence: null #_openAccess: null #_launchDate: null #_type: null #_category: null #_paywall: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_lastEditedBy: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_Content_Form_Journal {#14201 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14204 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14208 …30} "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14212 …30} "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14216 …30} "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14220 …30} "frequence" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalFrequence {#14224 …35} "open_access" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14228 …34} "paywall" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14232 …34} "launch_date" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14236 …30} "type" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalType {#14240 …35} "category" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalCategory {#14244 …35} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14202 …4} "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14203 …4} ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "adddate" => null "moddate" => null 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#_formClass: "NPG_System_Form_User" #_email: null #_firstname: null #_lastname: null #_password: null #_lastLogin: null #_lastFailedLogin: null #_nFailedLogin: 0 #_banned: null #_deleted: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_System_Form_User {#14199 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "email" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14349 …30} "firstname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14353 …30} "lastname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14357 …30} "password" => Zend_Form_Element_Password {#14361 …31} "last_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14366 …30} "last_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14371 …30} "n_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14375 …30} "banned" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14379 …34} "deleted" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14383 …34} "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14387 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14391 …30} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14347 …4} "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14348 …4} ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "email" => null "firstname" => null "lastname" => null "password" => null "last_login" => null "last_failed_login" => null "n_failed_login" => null "banned" => null "deleted" => null "adddate" => null "moddate" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 1 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_dirty: true #_lazyLoaded: false #_form: NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection {#14248 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "FormElements" "options" => null ] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "HtmlTag" "options" => array:2 [ …2] ] "Form" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "Form" "options" => null ] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ "prefix" => "NPG_Validate" "path" => "NPG/Validate/" "type" => "validate" ] 1 => array:3 [ "prefix" => "NPG_Filter" "path" => "NPG/Filter/" "type" => "filter" ] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14251 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "adddate" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14255 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "moddate" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14259 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "last_edited_by" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "journal_id" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14263 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "journal_id" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14267 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:2 [ …2] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Name" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "name" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "plural_name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14271 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Plural name" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "plural_name" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14275 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Shortname" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "shortname" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "identifier" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14279 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Identifier" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "identifier" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "toc_order" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14283 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "TOC order" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "toc_order" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "present_in_toc" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14287 +checked: false +helper: "formCheckbox" +options: array:2 [ …2] #_checkedValue: "1" #_uncheckedValue: "0" #_value: "0" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Present in TOC" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "present_in_toc" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "exportable" => 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#_loadedPlugins: array:3 [ …3] #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_useStaticRegistry: null } "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14250 #_loadedPluginPaths: [] #_loadedPlugins: [] #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_useStaticRegistry: null } ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "adddate" => null "moddate" => null "last_edited_by" => null "journal_id" => null "name" => null "plural_name" => null "shortname" => null "identifier" => null "toc_order" => null "present_in_toc" => null "exportable" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 14 #_persisted: true #_validate: false #_foreignKeys: array:2 [ "journal_id" => "14" "last_edited_by" => "1" ] } 24 => NPG_Content_Model_Record_JournalSection {#14297 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_JournalSection" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection" #_journal: NPG_Content_Model_Record_Journal {#14299 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_Journal" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_Journal" #_name: null #_shortname: null #_frequence: null #_openAccess: null #_launchDate: null #_type: null #_category: null #_paywall: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_lastEditedBy: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_Content_Form_Journal {#14343 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14344 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14340 …30} "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14336 …30} "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14332 …30} "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14328 …30} "frequence" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalFrequence {#14325 …35} "open_access" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14321 …34} "paywall" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14316 …34} "launch_date" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14312 …30} "type" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalType {#14308 …35} "category" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalCategory {#14304 …35} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14346 …4} "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14345 …4} ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "adddate" => null "moddate" => null "last_edited_by" => null "name" => null "shortname" => null "frequence" => null "open_access" => null "paywall" => null "launch_date" => null "type" => null "category" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 14 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_name: "News" #_pluralName: "News" #_shortname: "nw" #_identifier: "nw" #_tocOrder: 10 #_presentInToc: true #_exportable: true #_adddate: Zend_Date {#14443 -_locale: "en_US" -_fractional: 0 -_precision: 3 -_unixTimestamp: "1343791229" -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo" -_offset: -32400 -_syncronised: 0 #_dst: true } #_moddate: Zend_Date {#14444 -_locale: "en_US" -_fractional: 0 -_precision: 3 -_unixTimestamp: "1381783004" -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo" -_offset: -32400 -_syncronised: 0 #_dst: true } #_lastEditedBy: NPG_System_Model_Record_User {#14298 #_mapperClass: "NPG_System_Model_Mapper_User" #_formClass: "NPG_System_Form_User" #_email: null #_firstname: null #_lastname: null #_password: null #_lastLogin: null #_lastFailedLogin: null #_nFailedLogin: 0 #_banned: null #_deleted: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_System_Form_User {#14300 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "email" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14497 …30} "firstname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14501 …30} "lastname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14505 …30} "password" => Zend_Form_Element_Password {#14509 …31} "last_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14514 …30} "last_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14519 …30} "n_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14523 …30} "banned" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14527 …34} "deleted" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14531 …34} "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14535 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14539 …30} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14495 …4} "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14496 …4} ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "email" => null "firstname" => null "lastname" => null "password" => null "last_login" => null "last_failed_login" => null "n_failed_login" => null "banned" => null "deleted" => null "adddate" => null "moddate" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 1 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_dirty: true #_lazyLoaded: false #_form: NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection {#14396 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "FormElements" "options" => null ] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "HtmlTag" "options" => array:2 [ …2] ] "Form" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "Form" "options" => null ] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ "prefix" => "NPG_Validate" "path" => "NPG/Validate/" "type" => "validate" ] 1 => array:3 [ "prefix" => "NPG_Filter" "path" => "NPG/Filter/" "type" => "filter" ] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14399 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "adddate" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14403 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "moddate" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14407 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "last_edited_by" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "journal_id" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14411 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "journal_id" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14415 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:2 [ …2] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Name" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "name" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "plural_name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14419 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Plural name" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "plural_name" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14423 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Shortname" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "shortname" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "identifier" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14427 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Identifier" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "identifier" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "toc_order" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14431 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "TOC order" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "toc_order" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "present_in_toc" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14435 +checked: false +helper: "formCheckbox" +options: array:2 [ …2] #_checkedValue: "1" #_uncheckedValue: "0" #_value: "0" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Present in TOC" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "present_in_toc" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "exportable" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14439 +checked: false +helper: "formCheckbox" +options: array:2 [ …2] #_checkedValue: "1" #_uncheckedValue: "0" #_value: "0" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:2 [ …2] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Exportable" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "exportable" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14397 #_loadedPluginPaths: [] #_loadedPlugins: array:3 [ …3] #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_useStaticRegistry: null } "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14398 #_loadedPluginPaths: [] #_loadedPlugins: [] #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_useStaticRegistry: null } ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "adddate" => null "moddate" => null "last_edited_by" => null "journal_id" => null "name" => null "plural_name" => null "shortname" => null "identifier" => null "toc_order" => null "present_in_toc" => null "exportable" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 24 #_persisted: true #_validate: false #_foreignKeys: array:2 [ "journal_id" => "14" "last_edited_by" => "1" ] } 30 => NPG_Content_Model_Record_JournalSection {#14445 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_JournalSection" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection" #_journal: NPG_Content_Model_Record_Journal {#14447 #_mapperClass: "NPG_Content_Model_Mapper_Journal" #_formClass: "NPG_Content_Form_Journal" #_name: null #_shortname: null #_frequence: null #_openAccess: null #_launchDate: null #_type: null #_category: null #_paywall: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_lastEditedBy: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_Content_Form_Journal {#14491 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14492 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14488 …30} "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14484 …30} "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14480 …30} "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14476 …30} "frequence" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalFrequence {#14473 …35} "open_access" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14469 …34} "paywall" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14464 …34} "launch_date" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14460 …30} "type" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalType {#14456 …35} "category" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalCategory {#14452 …35} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14494 …4} "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14493 …4} ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "adddate" => null "moddate" => null "last_edited_by" => null "name" => null "shortname" => null "frequence" => null "open_access" => null "paywall" => null "launch_date" => null "type" => null "category" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 14 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_name: "News Features" #_pluralName: "News Features" #_shortname: "nf" #_identifier: "nf" #_tocOrder: 20 #_presentInToc: true #_exportable: true #_adddate: Zend_Date {#14591 -_locale: "en_US" -_fractional: 0 -_precision: 3 -_unixTimestamp: "1343791230" -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo" -_offset: -32400 -_syncronised: 0 #_dst: true } #_moddate: Zend_Date {#14592 -_locale: "en_US" -_fractional: 0 -_precision: 3 -_unixTimestamp: "1344461350" -_timezone: "Asia/Tokyo" -_offset: -32400 -_syncronised: 0 #_dst: true } #_lastEditedBy: NPG_System_Model_Record_User {#14446 #_mapperClass: "NPG_System_Model_Mapper_User" #_formClass: "NPG_System_Form_User" #_email: null #_firstname: null #_lastname: null #_password: null #_lastLogin: null #_lastFailedLogin: null #_nFailedLogin: 0 #_banned: null #_deleted: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_System_Form_User {#14448 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "email" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14645 …30} "firstname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14649 …30} "lastname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14653 …30} "password" => Zend_Form_Element_Password {#14657 …31} "last_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14662 …30} "last_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14667 …30} "n_failed_login" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14671 …30} "banned" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14675 …34} "deleted" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14679 …34} "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14683 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14687 …30} ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14643 …4} "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14644 …4} ] #_methods: array:4 [ 0 => "delete" 1 => "get" 2 => "post" 3 => "put" ] #_order: array:11 [ "email" => null "firstname" => null "lastname" => null "password" => null "last_login" => null "last_failed_login" => null "n_failed_login" => null "banned" => null "deleted" => null "adddate" => null "moddate" => null ] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 1 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_dirty: true #_lazyLoaded: false #_form: NPG_Content_Form_JournalSection {#14544 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "FormElements" "options" => null ] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "HtmlTag" "options" => array:2 [ …2] ] "Form" => array:2 [ "decorator" => "Form" "options" => null ] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ "prefix" => "NPG_Validate" "path" => "NPG/Validate/" "type" => "validate" ] 1 => array:3 [ "prefix" => "NPG_Filter" "path" => "NPG/Filter/" "type" => "filter" ] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14547 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "adddate" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14551 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "moddate" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14555 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "last_edited_by" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "journal_id" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14559 +helper: "formHidden" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: null #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "journal_id" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14563 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:2 [ …2] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Name" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "name" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "plural_name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14567 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Plural name" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "plural_name" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:2 [ …2] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14571 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Shortname" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "shortname" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "identifier" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14575 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Identifier" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "identifier" #_order: null #_required: false #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "toc_order" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14579 +helper: "formText" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: array:1 [ …1] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "TOC order" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "toc_order" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_value: null #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "present_in_toc" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14583 +checked: false +helper: "formCheckbox" +options: array:2 [ …2] #_checkedValue: "1" #_uncheckedValue: "0" #_value: "0" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:1 [ …1] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Present in TOC" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "present_in_toc" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } "exportable" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14587 +checked: false +helper: "formCheckbox" +options: array:2 [ …2] #_checkedValue: "1" #_uncheckedValue: "0" #_value: "0" #_allowEmpty: true #_autoInsertNotEmptyValidator: true #_belongsTo: null #_decorators: array:2 [ …2] #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_errorMessages: [] #_errors: [] #_errorMessageSeparator: "; " #_filters: [] #_ignore: false #_isArray: false #_isError: false #_isErrorForced: false #_label: "Exportable" #_loaders: array:3 [ …3] #_messages: [] #_name: "exportable" #_order: null #_required: true #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_type: null #_validators: array:1 [ …1] #_validatorRules: [] #_view: null #_isPartialRendering: false #_concatJustValuesInErrorMessage: false } ] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ "ELEMENT" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14545 #_loadedPluginPaths: [] #_loadedPlugins: array:3 [ …3] #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_useStaticRegistry: null } "DECORATOR" => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader {#14546 #_loadedPluginPaths: [] #_loadedPlugins: [] #_prefixToPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_useStaticRegistry: null } ] #_methods: 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null #_paywall: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_lastEditedBy: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_Content_Form_Journal {#14639 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ "FormElements" => array:2 [ …2] "HtmlTag" => array:2 [ …2] "Form" => array:2 [ …2] ] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ 0 => "Composite" ] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ …3] 1 => array:3 [ …3] ] #_elements: array:11 [ "adddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14640 …30} "moddate" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14636 …30} "last_edited_by" => Zend_Form_Element_Hidden {#14632 …30} "name" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14628 …30} "shortname" => Zend_Form_Element_Text {#14624 …30} "frequence" => NPG_Form_Element_JournalFrequence {#14621 …35} "open_access" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox {#14617 …34} "paywall" => Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox 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#_lastname: null #_password: null #_lastLogin: null #_lastFailedLogin: null #_nFailedLogin: 0 #_banned: null #_deleted: null #_adddate: null #_moddate: null #_dirty: false #_lazyLoaded: true #_form: NPG_System_Form_User {#14744 #_attribs: [] #_decorators: array:3 [ …3] #_defaultDisplayGroupClass: "Zend_Form_DisplayGroup" #_description: null #_disableLoadDefaultDecorators: false #_displayGroupPrefixPaths: [] #_displayGroups: [] #_elementDecorators: array:1 [ …1] #_elementPrefixPaths: array:2 [ …2] #_elements: array:11 [ …11] #_elementsBelongTo: null #_errorMessages: [] #_errorsExist: false #_errorsForced: false #_formOrder: null #_isArray: false #_legend: null #_loaders: array:2 [ …2] #_methods: array:4 [ …4] #_order: array:11 [ …11] #_orderUpdated: true #_subFormPrefixPaths: [] #_subForms: [] #_translator: null #_translatorDisabled: false #_view: null #_isRendered: false } #_mapper: null #_id: 1 #_persisted: true #_validate: true #_foreignKeys: [] } #_dirty: true #_lazyLoaded: false 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The Ebola outbreak in West Africa must be shut down now, or the disease will continue to spread.
doi: 10.1038/514139a
The significance of expertise passed on by direct contact— tacit knowledge — is moot.
doi: 10.1038/514139b
A mass beaching of walruses in Alaska is a sign of things to come.
doi: 10.1038/514140a
But proposals spur concern that development will pollute the nearly pristine site.
doi: 10.1038/514147a
Political scorn on top of shrinking funds creates hostility between scientists and Tony Abbott’s government.
doi: 10.1038/514148a
Metrologists meet to design the ultimate gravitational-constant experiment.
doi: 10.1038/514150a
Ten-year brain-mapping effort will use monkeys to study human neural and mental disorders.
doi: 10.1038/514151a
Physics prize recognizes potential of invention with power to reduce global electricity consumption.
doi: 10.1038/514152a
Discoverers of brain’s navigation system get physiology Nobel.
doi: 10.1038/514153a
doi: 10.1038/514154a
doi: 10.1038/514158a
インドネシアの洞窟で見つかった先史時代の手形と絵画についての研究で、これらの芸術作品の年代が少なくとも3万9900年前と推定された。これは、インドネシアから1万3000 km離れた西ヨーロッパで見つかった、これまでで最も古い洞窟壁画とほぼ同じ年代である。
doi: 10.1038/514170a
doi: 10.1038/514171a
doi: 10.1038/nature13754
doi: 10.1038/514174a
doi: 10.1038/nature13752
doi: 10.1038/514177a
doi: 10.1038/nature13759
Non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NAS), widely used food additives considered to be safe and beneficial alternatives to sugars, are shown here to lead to the development of glucose intolerance through compositional and functional changes in the gut microbiota of mice, and the deleterious metabolic effects are transferred to germ-free mice by faecal transplant; NAS-induced dysbiosis and glucose intolerance are also demonstrated in healthy human subjects.
doi: 10.1038/nature13793
Caspase-4 and caspase-11 are shown to be the direct sensors for cytoplasmic lipopolysaccharide in humans and mice, respectively, mediating inflammatory cell death in intracellular bacterial infection.
doi: 10.1038/nature13683
This study determines the structure of a branched lariat RNA, providing insights into rearrangement of the intron between the two steps of RNA splicing.
doi: 10.1038/nature13790
Ground-based and satellite observations show that the black hole in the ultraluminous X-ray source P13 has a mass of less than 15 times that of the Sun and displays the properties that typically distinguish ultraluminous X-ray sources from other stellar-mass black holes.
doi: 10.1038/nature13730
X-ray pulsations with an average period of 1.37 seconds have been detected from a known ultraluminous X-ray source hitherto thought to be a black hole; the pulsations instead unequivocally identify the source as an accreting magnetized neutron star ten times brighter than any previously known.
doi: 10.1038/nature13791
The magnetoresistance effect in WTe2, a layered semimetal, is extremely large: the electrical resistance can be changed by more than 13 million per cent at very high magnetic fields and low temperatures.
doi: 10.1038/nature13763
Recent advances in electron microscopy are shown to allow vibrational spectroscopy at high spatial resolution in a scanning transmission electron microscope, and also to enable the direct detection of hydrogen.
doi: 10.1038/nature13870
A global, observation-based assessment of whole-ecosystem carbon turnover times shows that the overall mean global carbon turnover time is about 23 years and that locally its spatial variability depends on precipitation at least as strongly as on temperature.
doi: 10.1038/nature13731
Investigation of the chemical nature and sources of particulate matter at urban locations in four Chinese cities during a severe haze pollution event finds that the event was driven to a large extent by secondary aerosol formation.
doi: 10.1038/nature13774
Cave art from the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, consisting of human hand stencils and animal paintings, is at least 40,000 years old, raising the question of why rock art traditions appeared at more or less the same time at opposite ends of the Late Pleistocene human world.
doi: 10.1038/nature13422
Inappropriate activation of the tumour-suppressor protein p53 during development can promote phenotypes similar to those of CHARGE syndrome, suggesting that p53 activation not only has a beneficial function in suppressing cancer but also a deleterious function in promoting developmental syndromes.
doi: 10.1038/nature13585
Using biochemical and genetic approaches, a protein-competition-based mechanism that controls the balance between stem cell self-renewal and differentiation of germline stem cells in the Drosophila melanogaster ovary has been uncovered.
doi: 10.1038/nature13562
In pre-clinical mouse models, the interleukin-22 pathway is identified as a novel target for therapeutic intervention in metabolic diseases.
doi: 10.1038/nature13564
In human β-thalassaemiaerythroblasts, HSP70 is sequestered in the cytoplasm by the excess of free α-globin chains and can no longer protect the master transcriptional factor of erythropoiesis GATA-1 from caspase-3 cleavage; transduction of a nuclear-targeted HSP70 or a caspase-3 uncleavable GATA-1 mutant restored maturation of erythropoiesis.
doi: 10.1038/nature13614
SUZ12, a component of the PRC2 complex, can also function as a tumour suppressor in certain tumours of the nervous system and melanomas.
doi: 10.1038/nature13561
The structure of mouse Dis3l2 bound to an oligoU substrate shows a funnel-like substrate-binding site with the RNA being fed into the active site along a path that is distinct from that seen in the related catalytic subunit of the exosome — 12 uracils of the oligoU-tailed RNA are recognized in a complex network of interactions, suggesting the basis for target specificity.
doi: 10.1038/nature13553
The POU homeodomain transcription factor Pit1 is required for pituitary development; here Pit1-occupied enhancers are shown to interact with the nuclear architecture components matrin-3 and Satb1, and this association is required for activation of Pit1-regulated enhancers and coding target genes.
doi: 10.1038/nature13573