Volume 496 Number 7444



Energy crossroads p.137

Everyone should wish Germany well in its great experiment in renewable energy.

doi: 10.1038/496137b


The right to speak out p.137

Controversy over the results touted by a genetic-ancestry firm has highlighted the need for reform of the United Kingdom’s restrictive libel law.

doi: 10.1038/496137a


Time for plan B p.138

A court ruling to remove age limits on access to emergency contraception must prevail.

doi: 10.1038/496138a



Urgent search for flu source p.145

Researchers suspect H7N9 virus is in bird markets as human cases rise rapidly.

doi: 10.1038/496145a


Wild weather can send greenhouse gases spiraling p.147

Researchers get to grips with effects of heat, drought and storms on carbon release.

doi: 10.1038/496147a


Stem cells boom in vet clinics p.148

Horses, dogs and even a tiger have received the unproven therapies. Now, drug regulators plan to weigh in.

doi: 10.1038/496148a


Budget forces tough look at biodefence p.149

US supply stockpile for combating bioterror attacks and pandemics feels the strain of funding cuts.

doi: 10.1038/496149a


Gene patents in the dock p.150

As US Supreme Court justices prepare to hear arguments in Myriad Genetics case, observers are debating the impact of the outcome on personal genomics.

doi: 10.1038/496150a


See-through brains clarify connections p.151

Technique to make tissue transparent offers three-dimensional view of neural networks.

doi: 10.1038/496151a

News Features


Genetics: A gene of rare effect p.152


doi: 10.1038/496152a


Renewable power: Germany’s energy gamble p.156


doi: 10.1038/496156a

News & Views


Cognitive neuroscience: Sensory noise drives bad decisions p.172


doi: 10.1038/496172a


Optical devices: Photonic insulators with a twist p.173


doi: 10.1038/496173a


Neuroscience: Anxiety is the sum of its parts p.174


doi: 10.1038/nature12087


Microbiology: Intraterrestrial lifestyles p.176


doi: 10.1038/nature12088


Structural biology: A solution to the telomerase puzzle p.177


doi: 10.1038/nature12090


Solar system: Saturn's ring rain p.178


doi: 10.1038/496178a



Glucose–TOR signalling reprograms the transcriptome and activates meristems p.181

The authors show that photosynthetically derived glucose drives target-of-rapamycin signalling, resulting in transcriptional reprogramming of genes involved in cell cycle regulation.

doi: 10.1038/nature12030


The architecture of Tetrahymena telomerase holoenzyme p.187

The long-awaited structure of a telomerase holoenzyme, from Tetrahymena, has been obtained by electron microscopy; affinity labelling of subunits and modelling with NMR and crystal structures of various components allowed the identification of the catalytic core and subunit interactions, and the functional role of the subunits in telomerase processivity was enabled by performing the first reconstitution of the holoenzyme in vitro.

doi: 10.1038/nature12062



The domination of Saturn’s low-latitude ionosphere by ring ‘rain’ p.193

A pattern of features is detected, superposed on Saturn’s low-latitude infrared glow, that implies the transfer of charged species derived from water (ring ‘rain’) from the ring plane to the ionosphere, ultimately leading to the global modulation of upper atmospheric chemistry.

doi: 10.1038/nature12049


Photonic Floquet topological insulators p.196

An experimental realization of a photonic topological insulator is reported that consists of helical waveguides arranged in a honeycomb lattice; the helicity provides a symmetry-breaking effect, leading to optical states that are topologically protected against scattering by disorder.

doi: 10.1038/nature12066


Recent temperature extremes at high northern latitudes unprecedented in the past 600 years p.201

By use of a hierarchical Bayesian analysis of instrumental and proxy temperature records, early twenty-first-century summers at high northern latitudes are shown to have been warmer than any since 1400.

doi: 10.1038/nature11969


Climatic control of bedrock river incision p.206

Topographic analyses and numerical modelling of canyon formation across the Hawaiian island of Kaua‘i show that rivers erode into bedrock more efficiently where precipitation rates are higher.

doi: 10.1038/nature11982


Embryology of Early Jurassic dinosaur from China with evidence of preserved organic remains p.210

Analysis of an Early Jurassic dinosaur bone bed reveals the rapid early growth stages of sauropodomorph embryos as well as the earliest evidence of in situ organic remains from a terrestrial vertebrate.

doi: 10.1038/nature11978


Predominant archaea in marine sediments degrade detrital proteins p.215

Miscellaneous crenarchaeotal group (MCG) and marine benthic group-D (MBG-D) are among the most numerous archaea in sea-floor sediments; single-cell genomics reveals that these archaea belong to new branches of the archaeal tree and probably have a role in protein remineralization in anoxic marine sediments.

doi: 10.1038/nature12033


Diverging neural pathways assemble a behavioural state from separable features in anxiety p.219

Different subregions of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis are shown to increase and decrease anxiety in mice, and distinct neural projections arising from a single coordinating brain region modulate different anxiety features.

doi: 10.1038/nature12018


Distinct extended amygdala circuits for divergent motivational states p.224

Examination of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis projections to the ventral tegmental area shows that glutamatergic and GABAergic projections have opposing effects on reward and anxiety.

doi: 10.1038/nature12041


Diverse and heritable lineage imprinting of early haematopoietic progenitors p.229

In vivo ‘cellular barcoding’ shows that early haematopoietic progenitors are heterogeneous in the cell types that they produce, and this is partly due to an ‘imprinting’ of fate in progenitors, including for a separate dendritic cell lineage.

doi: 10.1038/nature12013

免疫:低分子Rho GTPアーゼの操作はNOD1によって検知される病原体誘導性の過程である

Manipulation of small Rho GTPases is a pathogen-induced process detected by NOD1 p.233

Salmonella effector proteins trigger host innate immunity through the activation of small Rho GTPases, which, in turn, is sensed by the NOD1/2 signalling pathway.

doi: 10.1038/nature12025


Succinate is an inflammatory signal that induces IL-1β through HIF-1α p.238

Succinate is identified as a metabolite in innate immune signalling, which leads to enhanced interleukin-1β production during inflammation.

doi: 10.1038/nature11986


Structural and energetic basis of folded-protein transport by the FimD usher p.243

The crystal structure of the FimD usher traversed by the tip complex of a type 1 pilus demonstrates the mechanism by which pilus subunits are assembled and translocated during pilus elongation.

doi: 10.1038/nature12007


Structural basis for the drug extrusion mechanism by a MATE multidrug transporter p.247

Several X-ray crystal structures of an H+-driven multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) transporter from Pyrococcus furiosus are presented, whose complex structure with macrocyclic peptides may help facilitate the discovery of efficient inhibitors of MATE transporters.

doi: 10.1038/nature12014

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